Random Collage Maker

Select images from your local directory, and make a random collage (twitter banner, collection banner, etc)

Image Gallery

Make a gallery of images, and filter them based on filename

More info in the README

Capture Canvas

An example of how to generate a series of images from the webbrowser, using the html canvas. This could be a series of generative artworks, to curate outputs later. Or it could be a sequence of image files that can be made into a movie. When visiting this link, a series of random images will be generated and saved. Make sure to cleanup your Downloads directory.

More info in the README

Steganography: adding text into an image

This is the simplest way of steganography I could come up with. I use it to generate a digital artwork (PNG file) and add the code that was used to generate the artwork INTO the color data for the pixels. But it could be any text you wish. No fancy cryptographic methods, just the simplest way of only changing 1/255th of a color channelvalue about half of the time.

More info in the README